Why Agriculture?

Why Agriculture?

After 28 years away from an agriculture career, I am returning to this industry. You might ask why I am returning at this point?  Well, as the saying goes, if you like to eat, thank a farmer.  Big or small, thank a farmer.  As the population of the planet grows, we...
Something Simple for Spring

Something Simple for Spring

Ok, forgive the alliteration please.   Spring is almost here and it’s time for those of us who like to garden to get some huge doses of soil and sun.  (Last alliteration.  I promise.) So, today’s post is seriously simple. (Ok, no more.)  No deep...
The First Step

The First Step

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Laozi After several months of considering life and career and with a huge amount of prayer and preparation, I took a giant leap for this man (with apologies to Neil Armstrong).  I left a...